Thursday, October 20, 2016

Personally I like this Movie Poster because it's simple and clean, and also gives the viewer I good idea of what the movie's about. The "From Gentle To Mental" to the right,  I don't think it's needed but it's a nice touch and flows well.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

From the start of this interview I was captured by what he was saying. I think the reason why I liked it was because I personally could see myself in his shoes, being in high school, and realizing the career opportunities that there can be made in Photoshop and design overall. As I continued to read though, I was interested enough to continue but not enough that I was amused. It was cool to hear him talk about how he started working on the poster for "Magnolia" and how they actually went out to find a magnolia tree to take pictures of. Overall it was an interesting read but not my taste really.